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children Sir William Farmor, Knt. Sir Simon de Felbrigge, Knt. Katherine, relict of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. 1339, Simon de Colby Ditto. 1339, to Simon son of Wymer de Aylesham. 1324, Roger son of Philip de Wodenorton. Tocho de Wintreton held a villein here of Roger Bigot, which he added to his manor of Hanworth, and was the part which was afterwards a manor by itself right here. 94. It was just a part of the connection ‘‘routine’’. Was anciently held by Henry de Hemesby and Robert le Blund, and after, by the Prior of Hempton, at the 4th part of a charge, of the honour of Clare; George Felbrigge farmed it of that monastery, which was taxed for temporals here at 5l. 1s. 6d. At the Dissolution in 1545, King Henry VIII. In 1285 King Edward I. granted to Henry de Colby a charter for freewarren in all his lands here and in Colby; and in 1314 he held it at half a payment of the honour of Clare; in 1315 Henry de Colby and Beatrice his spouse held it; and in 1320 had a charter for a fair right here, and freewarren right here and in Colby; he was succeeded by John de Colby his son, who in 1337 settled it on Mariota his wife; in 1342 this John had the opposite mediety of the advowson and manor.

Henry de Colby his brother, and Beatrice his spouse. 1305, Ralf son of John de Colby. 1349, Ralf Burgeys. The King. 1372, to Ralf at Heath. George Felbrigge, and his feoffees, after his own decease; he was alive in 1372, and died earlier than 1400, for Sir George was dead, and Robert de Felbrigge his son, then a minor, was within the King’s wardship, and from that point it passed from the Felbrigges to the Windhams, and now William Windham of Felbrigge, Esq. Thomas Hoe his son; it then contained 10 messuages, 348 acres of land, &c. John de Ingworth settled 6 acres on this rector for glebe, to him and his successours. John Marshall, as to one rectory. 1353, to John Aylmere in alternate for Lesingham rectory. At the death of Alice, widow of Peter de Brampton his aunt, which he settled on trustees the yr following; and in 1345 the stated John held the entire at one price of Clare honour.

1323, he exchanged it for Thurne rectory, with Sir Reginald le Gros, Alice daughter of Nicholas de Reppes, widow of Peter de Brampton. Alice, to Peter de Brampton. 1304, Peter Kenyng. Peter de Brampton and Alice his spouse. 5l. rents, one pound of cumin seed, and 10 hens, in Ingworth, Erpingham, Colby, Iteringham, Carleton, and Stanfield; about 1560, it was settled on Anne, daughter of Humphry Dove of Wigenhall, spouse of Thomas Hoe, Gent. Henry de Colby, and Beatrice his wife. Remained in the Crown from the Conqueror’s time, after Fitz-Ivo’s dying, until King Edward I. granted to a family sirnamed of the city, one moiety of the manor and advowson, and Henry de Ingworth had it; and the other moiety to William Baldwyn, son of Thomas Baldwyn of Ingworth, and their heirs. The King recovered this mediety. In 1208, an acre and half of land was settled for glebe, on this mediety. You may remember a couple of months in the past we ran our Volume 3 Kickstarter, and at the same time we revealed our book distribution deal with Limerence, Oni’s sex-educating print line!

About the same time the Stevensons, who were largely in Cunningham earlier than, crop up out of the blue in the parish of Neilston, over the border in Renfrewshire. As for Wynn’s daughter, who’s now 3 years outdated – when recently requested what she needed for Christmas, her reply was her favourite shade: pink. Oder flows NW. via the guts of the nation, dividing the thickly forested and in parts marshy lands of the N. and E. from the mountainous and very fertile W.; wealthy coal-fields lie to the S., and zinc is also a beneficial product; agriculture and the breeding of cattle, horses, and sheep flourish, as also the manufacture of cottons, linens, &c.; Breslau is the capital; for long beneath the successive dominions of Poland and Bohemia, the Silesian duchies turned, in the 18th century, a casus belli between Austria and Prussia, resulting in the Seven Years’ War (q. You don’t get to take a shit in the middle of my living room and then complain that I’m a foul host after i throw you out of my house.” –Wil Wheaton “The rationale you don’t serve fascists in eating places, and you protest them there too, is so that they study that there are folks all around them that do not fear them, and will combat them.


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