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Senator wants to change Florida sex laws Maud his mother, and gave legacies to Robert Baniard, his father-in-regulation and Margaret, his mothèr-in-law, to Margaret his wife this lordship and advowson, with the lordships of Channons, Westhall and Hacforths in Tibenham for all times, and then to Thomas his son. 1333 he settled Bacon’s manor, in Lodne, on Thomas de Antingham and other trustees, to his own use for all times, with remainder to Thomas Bacon his son, and Joan his wife, daughter of Roger de Antingham, (whose arms have been, argent, a bend sable,) as her marriage settlement; this Roger was afterwards a knight, and was succeeded by the aforesaid Thomas his son, who in 1360 was found to carry this lordship, by the service of 1 knight’s fee, of the heirs of Robert Fitz Roger, and they of the King. Henry IV. whose arms, quarterly, vert and gules, a lion rampant argent, over all, the Heydons quartered. The family of the Heydons take their identify from the city of Heydon in this hundred of South Erpingham; Thomas de Heydon was a justice itinerant in Norfolk in 1221, from whom descended William Heydon, of Heydon, Esq. 1480, (and his will was proved on June twentieth, in the said yr) seized of the lordships of Baconsthorp, Losehall, in Hemstede, Bodham, Brache’s in Salthouse, Loverds in Heydon, Saxlingham, Oldton-Hall and Leches in Oldton, Thurfford, Walsingham Magna, Bokenham’s in Carlton-Rode, Hocham Parva, Laundes in Tibenham, Pensthorp and Hackford cum Repham, called Heydons manor, there.

Around 30,000 people participated for the Gay Pride march organized by the Inter-LGBT on 26 June 2021. The gay pride march started in the suburbs, in Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis) for the first time since 1977. In a festive atmosphere, without mask or social distancing, thousands of young people have tasted a semblance of life before, despite a gloomy weather, Paris, France. 1426, married Margaret, daughter of Robert Baniard, whose arms have been, sable, a fess between two chevronels, or, on whom Baniard’s manor in Spectishall in Suffolk, the manors of Baconsthorp, Lodue Bacons, Hacforths, Channons and Westhall in Tibenham, were then settled: he died at his home in Norwich, in 1462, and was buried there within the conventual church of the Austin-friars, by John Bacon, Esq. In 1311, this Roger, and Margaret his wife, granted the manor of Cockthorp to Richer, son of Ralph de Repham and Joan his wife, for his or her lives only: by Margaret his spouse, he had Thomas, who happens lord in 1315; he and Elizabeth his wife had an curiosity in the manor of Channons, in Tibenham: Roger Bacon was son to the said Thomas, who in 1320, with Margery his wife, settled this manor and advowson on William de Calthorp, parson of Bayfield, Roger, parson of Gunton, Thomas, son of John de Antingham, &c. Dorothy, to Sir Thomas Brook, son and heir to John Lord Cobham; Elizabeth, to Walter Hobart of Hales-hall, Esq.; Ann to William Gurney, Esq.; and Bridget to Sir William Paston, Knt. His successour and heir was Sir Thomas Bacon, Knt.

1527; and in 1554, his son, (as I take it,) Thomas Garnish, succeeded, and dying in 1573, left it to his only daughter, Elizabeth, who in 1583, with her second husband, Mr. Phillip Strelley of Strelley in Nottinghamshire, bought it to William Heydon, Esq. And on the division of the Bacons estate, this manor and advowson was settled on Robert Garnish, Esq. Ann, to Robert Garneys, or Garnish, of Kenton in Suffolk, Esq. Horseford, who by Maud, daughter of Sir Thomas Bedingfield, had John Bacon of Baconsthorp, Esq. Cockthorp, who in 1249 was returned to be one of many principal knights of this county, and bore gules, three boars passant, or, in allusion to, or as a rebus to, his name; by Elizabeth his spouse, he had George, his eldest son, Roger, his second son, and John, (his third son) Bacon or de Baconsthorp, a Carmelite friar and eminent divine, in his time of such studying and power of argument that he was styled the resolute doctor; all historians make worthy mention of him, and he is claimed to die in 1346. In 1269 George Bacun was lord right here, and of Lodne, the place he had a grant for a fair on the vigil and day of St. Martin, from King Henry III.

He constructed the hall, or manor-home, at Baconsthorp, a spacious, sumptuous pile, totally from the bottom, except the tower, (which was constructed by his father,) in the house of 6 years; also the church, and a noble home at West Wickham in Kent, which place he bought earlier than the death of his father, and dwelt there, and it continued within the household till the reign of Queen Elizabeth; the church of Salthouse was additionally constructed by him, and the causey between Thirsford and Walsingham was made at his expense. Witchingham manor in Salthouse and Kelling on Sir Henry, and he gave to Berdwell his manor of Drayton-Hall in Scarning and Dillington: was additionally lord of Dorkettys in Snoring Parva. He married Catherine, daughter of Christopher Willoughby, Lord Willoughby of Parham, and died within the 82d yr of his age, August 16th, 1550, his lady in her 72d, 1542, and are both buried beneath an altar tomb, within the north isle of this church, now deprived of its brass plates, but these arms are nonetheless remaining,-quarterly, argent and gules, a cross ingrailed counterchanged, Heydon quartering Warren, and Oldton, and impaling Willoughby, or, fretty azure, with the crest of Heydon, a talbot passant ermin, and motto, Regardes Que Suyst, De Vertue Null.


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