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elder sister and brother studying at home Also for the Soules of Symond Blake Gentylman and Jone his Wyff, which ded expendyn in Pathyng with Marbyll of the Cross Aley earlier than Chancell Dore, in reparation of the Organs brokyn with the fallyng of the Chirch, with glasing of a window within the Claristory, and in finding of a Free-Mason to the making of the Chirch by the space of a Yere, and in Money given to the makyng of the new Stepyll xlli. And of Thomas Styward and Agnes his Wyff, who gaff a Cross of Silver and gylt, a peyr of Silver Candelstykks ij Silver Basons, a Moustre for the Sacrament, a peyr gret Organs XLli. And of Nicholas Wryght, that gaff unto the Chyrcke a Lyme-Kylle with five Rood of Land. Chirche Revys, and to have their Pleggs delyver’d agayn unto them. Chirch-Revys, to assist to pay the mentioned Prest his hyer, unto the Time that Mony fable be manufactured from the Livelode for the said Prest, and he assign’d other vli.

Chirche-Revys, to the help and Releve of poor Men of this Town, undyr this Form following, that is to say, if any pore Man or pore Woman nedeth to borow Mony to the Sum of vs. Also the said Symond and Jone gave the Chawntrey, with Mass Boke, Chalys, Vestment and awther Clothes to the identical, and assigned lyvelode be Godd’s Grace suffycyent to maynteyn and contynew the same Chauntrey, with the Lawmpe brenyng over his Grave, after the Form of the Wyll Tripartyte of the mentioned Symond made upon the said Chawntrey, and that the Chawntry-Prest shuld begynn his immediately after hys Decesse, he assigned vli. Necessyte shuld have of the money 5s. upon a suffycient Plegge to ese themselves, be area of half a Yere, after which to bring ageyn and ship the stated vs. And that the said Plegges shuld be in protected kepyng, he dede ordayn a great chest underneath ij Keys for to face in the Chirche, within the which Chest he wold the Plegges ought to be leyd, and therein safe saved by the Chirche-Revys having the Keys, and the Governawns of the mentioned Chest and Money, to the Use and intent before rehers’d.

Wienumber8b.jpg (169047 bytes) Whereas our ignorance on this case is owing to the good size of time since their foundation, the various alterations and additions which were made in the churches themselves, and the nice disorders and confusions that have occurred for the reason that time of their foundation, which have not solely defaced and ruined the records and evidences, but even the marble stones and brasses, which would have given us a clear light. Suez Canal, a terrific artificial channel slicing the isthmus of Suez, and thus forming a waterway between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea; was deliberate and undertaken by the French engineer Lesseps, through whose untiring efforts an organization was formed and the required capital raised; occupied 10 years in the development (1859-69), and cost some 20 million pounds; from Port Said on the Mediterranean to Suez at the top of the Red Sea the size is about a hundred m., a portion of which lies by Lakes Menzaleh, Ballah, Timsah, and the Bitter Lakes; as widened and deepened in 1886 it has a minimal depth of 28 ft., and varies from a hundred and fifty to 300 ft. The vicar had additionally a mansion-house near the church, and was valued at sixteen marks, the portion of the monastery of Rumburgh here was valued at 20d. Romescot, or Peter-pence 16d. (Domesd.

In the reign of Edward I. the Earl of Richmond was patron of this church; the rector had then a mansion-home near to the church, and was valued at 70 marks. I’ve been the extra particular on this last account, as a result of it not only acquaints us with the benefactors and founders of this church, but in addition with the follow and custom of that age in commemorating them, &c. The Romish Clergy never enjoined silence in these circumstances; they had been prodigal of their indulgences right here, and such benefactors and their posterity had been entitled to, and sometimes had most solemn pardons granted them to final for a lot of centuries. And of Master William Gullet Priest, and many years Curat here, which gave in Mony to the Byldyng of the Alms-Houses eight Pounds. And of Robert Newman and Katheryne his Wyfe, who gaff in prepared Mony to the Steple x Mark, with different Cost and Charges.


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