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businessman office party technology Sinon, a wily Greek who beguiled the Trojans and persuaded them to admit the Wooden Horse into the town, to its ruin. Clemons, Steve. “John McCain: The maverick man who thinks warfare with Iran is inevitable.” The Huffington Post. Pope; was notorious for his nepotism; abetted Pazzi in his conspiracy against the Medici at Florence, but was a great administrator, and a man of liberal views; b. He gave charters of a very liberal character to many locations, and in especial to London, where the residents were allowed to decide on their own sheriff, and to deal immediately with the exchequer in matters of income. Sixtus V., born close to Monalto, of poor mother and father, was of the Franciscan order, and famed as a preacher; was elected successor to Gregory XIII., throughout whose pontificate he affected infirmity, to reveal himself a vigorous pontiff as quickly as he was installed; set himself without delay to stamp out disorder, reform the administration, and replenish the exhausted treasury of the Church; he allowed freedom of worship to the Jews, and but was zealous to put down all heresy within the Christian States of Europe; his companies to Rome were not repaid with gratitude, for the residents destroyed his statue on his demise; b.

Period Health - The Well Woman Project Simon Magus, a sorcerer, one who by his career of magic aggrandised himself at the expense of the people of Samaria, and who, when he noticed the miracles wrought by the Apostles, and St. Peter in particular, provided them cash to confer the like power on himself; Peter’s effectively-known reply was not without effect on him, but it was solely momentary, for he afterwards appeared in Rome and continued to impose upon the individuals so as to persuade them to imagine him as an incarnation of probably the most High. Siva or Çiva, the Destroyer in the Hindu trinity, through which Brahma is the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver; Vishnu representing, as it had been, demise issuing in life, and Siva life issuing in death, the transition point, and Brahma, who, by means of them, “kills that he may make alive.” He’s worshipped as “Mahâdêva” or the nice god, and his worshippers are referred to as Saivas or Çaivas, as distinct from those of Vishnu, that are known as Vaishnavas.

Simonides of Ceos, probably the most celebrated lyric poets of Greece; spent most of his life in Athens, employed his poetic powers in celebrating the occasions and heroes of the Persian wars; gained over Æschylus the prize for an elegy on those that fell at Marathon; composed epigrams over the tombs of the Spartans who fell at Thermopylæ, and in his eightieth year was crowned victor at Athens; shortly after this was invited by Hiero to Syracuse, at whose courtroom he died; his poetry was distinguished without delay for sweetness and finish; he was a philosopher in addition to a poet (556-467 B.C.). Dec 28, 2023: 📚🗨️ “I want to dwell my life being irrationally hopeful. “I am part of the overwhelming majority ” Hum… Sind, Sindh, or Scinde (2,903), a province of North-West India, within the Presidency of Bombay; extends from Beluchistan and Punjab (N.) to the Indian Ocean and Runn of Cutch (S.); traversed by the Indus, whose delta it contains, and whose broad alluvial valley-tracts yield plentiful crops of wheat, barley, hemp, rice, cotton, etc., that are exported, and provides employment to nearly all of the folks; N. and E. are wide stretches of desert-land, and in the S. are the Hala Mountains; was annexed to the British possessions after the victories of Sir Charles Napier in 1843; chief metropolis and port is Kurrachee.

Sitka or New Archangel (1), capital of Alaska, on the W. coast of Baranof Island, overhung by snowy mountains; has a superb harbour; salmon fishing and curing the chief employment of many of the inhabitants, largely Indians. Failure on the a part of the United States Government to observe sure treaty situations led to an amazing uprising of the Sioux in 1862, which was solely put down at a great value of blood and treasure; conflicts also came about in 1876 and 1890, the Indians finding in their chief, Sitting Bull, a determined and skilful leader. NE. of Sebastopol; surrounded by gardens, orchards, and vineyards; exports an awesome amount of fruit. Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard Simonde de, celebrated Swiss historian, born at Geneva; son of a Protestant clergyman of Italian descent; the family fortune was lost in the troublous days of the French Revolution, and exile in England and Italy followed, however in 1800 Sismondi returned to Geneva, and having acquired a municipal appointment gave himself to literary pursuits; the works which have established his fame are his nice histories of “The Italian Republics within the Middle Ages,” “European Literature,” and “A. But Becket vehemently opposed it, and got so much support when the nice council met at Woodstock that Henry withdrew his schemes.


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